Ordinary Magic

Jarrett and I were eating waffles on Sunday morning and I realized that I was in the midst of a dream come true. I looked at Jarrett and said, “this is all I ever wanted, to share my meals and my life with someone.” We both started to cry. The beautiful simplicity of the moment was so overwhelming. It was so ordinary, and yet, completely extraordinary all at once.

I have always shown love through food. Cooking and baking for people truly brings me joy. Outside of baked goods, my favorite thing to share with people is breakfast. I guess because we don’t normally take the time to sit and eat breakfast, it’s special. Baked good are the same, we don’t always have them so they are somehow a little more special.

For years, I have wanted to share these ordinary moments with someone. To sit across from someone I love and share a meal, to look over while brushing my teeth and watch my husband do the same, to go to the grocery store and prepare meals together. It’s never been about the big things for me, I love gifts, flowers, and trips as much as the next person, but I’ve always been far more interested in the ordinary. It’s my feeling that if you can make the ordinary things magic, you will like a rich, full life.

Sweet friends, take some time this week to look around you and value the ordinary moments. The ones others don’t see. The ones we all take for granted. The seats next to you at the dinner table, the extra car in the driveway, the little messes your kids leave around. The moments I miss the most, with my loved ones who are no longer here, are the ordinary ones. I miss sitting at the breakfast bar chatting with my grandparents and doing puzzles with my Aunt Donna. I have extraordinary memories with them also, but it’s the ordinary ones that resurface most. Cherish the ordinary, these are the moments that make up our lives. Much love and sweet, ordinary moments sweet friends.