Painful Preparation

Life is hard. And then its wonderful. And then it’s hard all over again. We beg and bargain our way out of pain, promising to make wiser choices next time and to be more thankful for the good times. But mostly, we feel punished. When life isn’t going how we want it to and things around us aren’t developing as quickly as we would like them to we feel as though we are being punished for past transgressions.

Sweet friends, you are not being punished, you are being prepared. You are not ready for the thing that you so desperately want. If you were ready, you would have it. The only thing worse than waiting, is getting something before it’s time. Imagine being handed the most beautiful relationship you could ever dream of and having to watch it crumble before your very eyes. Imagine landing your dream job to get fired a few months later. This delay is not meant to destroy you or define you, it’s meant to develop you.

Your character is being tested because the next level of your life will require more from you than this level requires. You will be tested in ways you cannot even imagine. And if you are not prepared, you will be utterly destroyed. You are not on this earth to be set up for failure, but rather, to be set up for success.

In the waiting, prepare yourself. Learn what you need to learn, grow where you need to grow – take advantage of the waiting time. If you are an impatient person, study patience. Read books, talk to people who have traits you admire, surround yourself with people who have what you want. Absorb knowledge and growth opportunities. It’s coming, but it won’t arrive before you’re ready. Do the prep work. Ready yourself. It’s coming.