Sometimes, I think it is very difficult for people to see past someones previous mistakes. We hold people hostage, at an ugly moment in time, and in our minds that is who they are. We limit people’s growth because our mindsets won’t allow us to move forward.
Friends, I have made some mistakes in my life. To be clear. There are moments in my life, that if frozen in time, you would see me much differently than you do today. I have had bad moments, bad months, bad seasons and even bad years. I still have bad moments, but I am not the same person I was a few years ago.
Give people the grace to grow. Be patient and realize it takes time. Try believing the best of them, rather than expecting the worst. Give them a chance to prove you wrong. People rise to the level of our expectations. We all grow at different rates, but we are all growing.
One of the largest signs of growth, in my opinion, is ownership. When a person owns their mistakes, and takes steps to correct them, they are trying to grow. When a person denies making mistakes, blames other people, or denies the severity of those mistakes, run! Know that change only occurs through ownership. The same goes for you, if you made a mistake with someone, go to them with humility and own it. Ownership goes a long way in forgiveness, grace and growth. Friends, we are humans and we are going to make mistakes. Period. It’s how we react and respond to our mistakes and the mistakes of others that reveal where our true hearts lie. Give yourself and others the grace to make mistakes, we are all a work in progress. Forgive yourself and others as we make them; own them and move on. Much love and continued growth sweet friends.