Playing it Safe

I have noticed a shift in human behavior over the last several years. A shift from being very engaged, involved and passionate to apathetic. People don’t seem to really care about much anymore. As a whole, we are very disengaged and uninterested. I truly do not fully understand the origin, I have some ideas but nothing solid.

I see it in the way we cheer for sports teams, or don’t show up at all. I see it in relationships that I observe. I see it in the schoolwork kids turn in and work that grown ups do. We have lost our drive, our passion and our desire. But mostly we’ve lost our pride. We do not take pride in our teams, our relationships or our work anymore. We work to complete, not to improve. We are mediocre at best and completely disengaged at worst. We are a society that has learned to play it safe. Do just enough work to keep your job, but don’t make any big changes. Do just enough to keep your relationships in tact but don’t make enough effort for them to really love you. Be lukewarm in cheering for your teams that way it doesn’t hurt if you lose.

Friends, that’s the problem. We have learned to play it safe in order to protect ourselves from hurt. But doesn’t playing it safe hurt? Doesn’t not caring hurt?

We are called to live big, bold, life changing lives. We are called to do work that really makes a difference. We are called to love people in a way that inspires others. We were not intended to be lukewarm friends. We have lost our passion and we need desperately to find it. This world needs our spark, it needs our light, it needs our little dose of magic. Love like you can’t lose and you just might win.