
Have you ever broken your own heart because you were so focused on what could be that you looked right past what is? Surely I am not the only one on the planet that has broken their own heart far more than any other person ever has. You see, I am an idealist. And I see the potential in people. Sounds like a good thing right? Not always.

Don’t get me wrong, the ability to see a person’s potential is a very good thing. What isn’t a good thing is focusing so much on their potential that you lose sight of reality. As a whole, we humans simply are who we are. We all have the potential to change, as well as the ability to change, but the majority of us don’t change much. One of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn is to let people be who they are and don’t expect anything different. I am someone who is always striving to grow and improve and become the best version of myself. Yes, I’m that girl. That doesn’t mean that I am dissatisfied with who I am, it simply means that I recognize that I can always be better. Not everyone shares my enthusiasm for personal growth. Most people are very happy with where they are. 

My point? Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential. Fall in love with who they actually are. What my well meaning self often does to people is unintentionally add pressure to their lives by focusing on their potential. Just because I wear myself out trying to grow and improve doesn’t mean the rest of the world wants to strive alongside me to grow. Love them where they are.

Have you ever been blinded by someone’s potential? 

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