Present Mindset

Often our lives are stressful or anxiety inducing because we are too focused on the future. We become overwhelmed because all we see are the obstacles, the roadblocks, the things that could go wrong.

The truth is, every thing we do, can be done, one moment at a time. When we look too far into the future we become overwhelmed by the tasks, time, and effort it will take to get there.

When we focus on today, what we can do in this very moment, we take control of our time, energy and resources. We can manage this moment. And then we can manage the next one. We do not need to look any further than this present moment. When you stay present, you make an impact on every situation you enter. People need our presence. They need us to be there for them, in the moment we are in.

Today, choose to remain present in the moment. If you begin to experience stress and anxiety, realize this is future focus. Future focus does nothing but rob us of the time we have now and stress us out again later, we suffer twice.