Present Moment

In The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, he states, “It doesn’t matter whether this is the worst time to be alive or the best, whether you’re in a good job market or a bad one, or that the obstacle you face is intimidating or burdensome. What matters is that right now is right now.”

Right now, this present moment, is truly all we have. We are not guaranteed the next day or even the next moment. All we have is right now. Are we living in a difficult time in human history? No doubt. The hardest one I have experienced so far to be sure. But we cannot stop living our lives because things around us are difficult, we have to find a way to be alive and present in this moment. This world needs our light more than ever before.

I become very overwhelmed when I look too far ahead. Anxiety creeps in when I consider the whole of an issue. But when I break it down into the present moment it is always manageable. Always. I have what I need for each moment of my life. Even more so when I give it my full attention. When we are in the presence of our people, but our minds are in the presence of our problems, we become mentally exhausted and disengaged.

Friends, practice presence. It is a practice to be sure, but a very worthwhile one. Stay focused on the moment. Don’t worry about what is ahead. When you are in the presence of others, lay down your problems and engage. Our greatest calling in life is in the way we love other people and they need our undivided attention. The issues will be there when you return, and when you need a solution, you will have one. Take this moment and live. And then take the next one and do the same. Much love and full lives sweet friends.