
Proceed. Sometimes that’s the only thing we need to hear. Continue. Step forward. Move. Fear tries to stop us in our tracks. Prevent us. Keep us. Trap us. What if everything we wanted was on the other side of fear? Guess what? It is.

How do I know? Because I am a very fearful person. I only take very calculated risks. I do not readily embrace change (cue laughter from those that know me regarding how much of an understatement that was). You may think I’m brave and confident and sure. I am. But only because I have to be. Bravery does not come naturally to me. Thankfully I am hard headed enough to throw my middle fingers in the air (sorry mom) at fear and proceed, afraid or not.

Fear only stops you if you allow it to. For those of us that feel fear on a daily basis, we know how hard it can be to go against it. But the alternative is harder. I do not want to live a safe, comfortable, mediocre existence. I want to stare fear in the face and go forward anyway. It’s not for lack of fear, its for the pursuit of better. I’d rather do it afraid, than not do it at all.

Life experience has taught me that when I feel fear and walk through it anyway, the thing on the other side is amazing. Every single amazing thing I have experienced in life has been on the other side of that afraid feeling. Don’t let fear stop you. Feel it. Experience it. Be aware of it. But kick the door down anyway. What change are you afraid to make for fear it might fail? Take some time today to consider what your life would look like if it didn’t fail. That risk is worth it! Happiness is rare friends, chase it down!