Productive vs. Busy

I believe we often confuse busy and productive. We think as long as we are running around like our hair is on fire (no pun intended) that we are being productive. But there is a big difference between busy and productive. Often, what we are actually doing is outrunning our own lives.

Busyness looks a lot like spinning our wheels. We are all some form of busy. But where is all that busy getting you? Many people are running their children from one activity to the next but the activity isn’t producing. Are your kids learning and growing? Or are they just occupied?

In the office, people appear busy, but what are they actually doing? And is it producing anything? What is the result of all the activity? I’ve learned that a lot of what we do is unnecessary. It isn’t growing us or improving the bottom line. Being busy isn’t the same as being productive.

Relationships are similar. We see a lot of posts on social media of couples doing a lot of cool activities. Jumping from one cool thing to the next. They are busy. Always. But is their relationships producing? What is the product of all the running?

Sweet friends, take a little time to evaluate your own production and your pace of life? Take the time to take care of your sweet soul. We need down time. We need refreshing. We need pause. Look for pockets of time to carve out for quiet and stillness. Don’t get so caught up in running the rat race that you forget to care for yourself. Resist the urge to be constantly running. Being still is hard for a lot of people, but it’s vital to our production. Rest is productive, ask any personal trainer. Much love and productive lives sweet friends.