Pursue Passion

We are all a little weary these days. This time of life is just difficult, there truly is no other way to state it. It’s hard to know how to live your life right now. Our sense of normalcy has definitely been taken from us. We are constantly being challenged to adjust and there is just so much flexibility in us humans.

We cannot control what is happening around us. We can only control what is happening within us. We have to stay focused on what is good, and right and wonderful in our lives. There is so much good around us all the time. We just have to honor ourselves enough to recognize it.

Often friends, our weariness comes, not from the hard times themselves, but in our response to the hard times. We have a tendency to abandon our passions when we are hurting. We set them aside and pick up grief instead. I know it seems counterintuitive but can I encourage you, in the hard times, to honor your passions. Do the things in your life that you enjoy. Push past the difficulty and purposefully seek out joy.

We are surrounded by good, but we have to open our eyes and see it. When all you see is pain, that is what you are going to feel. When all you see is loss, that’s what you are going to feel. We have all switched over to survival mode, and we have gotten stuck there. Its time for us to thrive. Nothing on earth, can change this world faster or more permanently than passionate people. Seek out your passions, nothing on earth makes you feel more alive than pursuing them. What we all need right now is a big dose of life. We need to feel that spark again. Pursue it. Chase it down. Encourage it in others. Do what you need to do, but find that spark. Much love friends.