Rain on a Tuesday Morning

I woke at 3 am this morning to the sound of rain. I could’ve rolled over and went back to sleep but it’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed both the sound and the effects of rain. I creeped into our front bedroom, opened my window and coffee in hand spent the next couple of hours reading a novel. It’s now 6 am and it is still raining.

There’s something about rain that calms and refreshes me. It’s like a beautiful reset button. My family raises cattle and I’ve always understood the necessity of rain as well as its importance. It is a blessing. This morning as I sat in here, listening to this beautiful rain, I thought about how long it has been since I’ve heard this sound. I’ve also lost track of the last time I felt this at peace.

Sweet friends, every single thing we need is already on the inside of us. We are promised that our needs will be supplied. Too often we simply fail to see them. Or, worse, we give our focus to insignificant issues around us. I’ve grown so much in this place both out of necessity and desire. The growth I’m most thankful for is in the area of gratitude and peace.

That thing that you are so desperately seeking is already on the inside of you. Be it joy, peace, or strength. You have every single thing you need. Don’t give too much energy to the things that don’t truly matter. If it won’t matter in a week, let it go. You can’t change people’s reaction to you, but you can change your reaction to others. There is so much beauty in this life if you will let down your guard and see it. Allow your heart to soften to what is rather than grow hard over what isn’t. The blessings of life are abundant but we also have to see them. Our focus determines our direction. Much love and rainy Tuesday mornings sweet friends.