Reason to Celebrate

I remember waking up on Mother’s Day last year, and many years prior, with a heavy heart. I have always been so thankful to have my precious Mama, but also very aware of my unmet desire of becoming a mother as well. I know this day holds hard emotions for a lot of people, for many different reasons. I have avoided church on Mother’s Day because it’s painful to not get to stand and be blessed as a Mama, year after year.

To the not yet Mama’s, I see you. I know the pain of waiting; the heartbreak, the frustration, the dark thoughts, and the desire. I know them all too well. To those of you precious people who have lost children, I cannot imagine the pain this day brings, my heart is with you and I mourn for you, for a pain that I cannot even begin to understand. To those of you who have lost your sweet Mama’s either recently or long ago, my heart is with you also.

I am also very aware that many of you do not have precious Mama’s like I do. I know that I am blessed beyond measure in the mom department. I am a woman born to someone who truly desired to be a mother and she has been an amazing one. I know many of you carry great wounds where your mom is concerned, either from absence or harmful words or actions.

Today, may we find reason to celebrate. Today, I want to celebrate my sweet Mama, my amazing sister-in-laws, and my sweet friends. Being my mother’s daughter, and an aunt to my niece and nephews are my favorite roles in life. Watching my friends become mothers has been one of my greatest joys. To all the Mama’s, you are doing an amazing job. You are the toughest, kindest, most sacrificial and unselfish people I have ever met. Thank you for all you have done to make us all better people. You deserve so much more than a day, but today we will celebrate extra. Much love and reason to celebrate sweet friends.