
Have you ever questioned your relevance? Does your presence really matter? Are you making an impact? Are you easily replaceable with another? I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be replaceable. I want to matter as I am. I want the impact and energy that I bring to make a difference. I need you to notice my absence.

Relevance is defined as the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate. Another definition I found was being pertinent to the matter at hand. One thing 2020 has made me question a lot is what exactly is the matter at hand? What is our purpose right now? What are we working towards? Our world is very shaken right now, it feels very unstable. I have worked for over 10 years for the career that I have now and it could be taken at any moment. That is very humbling.

I think we humans really like to be productive and impactful. We want to work hard, we want to earn our place but we need a little motivation sometimes. At times we need to be reminded that we do matter. That we do make an impact. That we are still relevant and that we are doing a good job in a tough situation.

Friends, if you are questioning your relevance, maybe it’s time to remind someone else of theirs. Tell people how much their presence matters to you. Tell people they are doing a good job. We all need a little extra encouragement these days. Sometimes the best way to get what you need is to give it away.