Return on Investment

Wouldn’t it be better if we put our energy into having the best possible relationships in the first place? Rather than simply settling for what is available to us? Our time, energy, attention and focus are a gift. When we begin to shift our focus into recognizing this, we are more careful about who we choose to invest in. Often, we are so tied to history, or so stuck in the same patterns that we cannot see past what is available to what is actually possible. This is true of work, friends, romantic partners, family, etc. 

With our money, we expect a return on investment. We would fire our financial advisor if we were not seeing returns. Friends, relationships of any kind should have a return. They are our biggest investment and you should be seeing returns. You cannot pour out over and over and over and not get anything in return forever. If you are feeling incredibly drained or frustrated, it may be time to reevaluate the relationships you are investing in. Great relationships are two way streets, they flow both ways. 

History keeps us in places that common sense should take us out of. We are often more loyal to history than we are to ourselves. Friends, the truth is, we grow and we change. That is okay. Stop feeling bad for outgrowing people who had the opportunity to grow with you. The world needs you to keep growing. We need your light, your passion, and your energy. 

I am not advising you to leave a relationship simply because it has grown stale. If you are married, please don’t leave your spouse because you are experiencing a season of drought. I am speaking mostly to people who are in friendships or relationships that are no longer growing. If you do not feel filled up and refreshed after spending time with your friend, for an extended period of time, reevaluate that friendship. If you are in a relationship that is no longer going anywhere, reevaluate that. Don’t be afraid to start over elsewhere. I know new things are scary, but you are wiser now. Take the lesson and move on.

Go where you are loved. Go where you are celebrated. Go where you are treated the way you treat others. The overflow that comes from these types of relationships is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Treat your time like the investment that it is. Make investments that are wise and fruitful.