Return with Gratitude

Jarrett and I both return back to work this morning after a long, glorious, much needed break. We worked out this morning and have spent a little time together before heading our separate ways. I am now in my reading, writing, coffee drinking space and he is preparing to leave the house. We are finding our flow back in our routine of home.

Yesterday, as we were finishing laundry and getting meals planned out, I wondered how many people were dreading the return to work today. How many were truly saddened by the return to work. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off, but I am ready to get back to it. I wonder how much time we waste dreading things that are inevitable anyway? If you have to do them anyway, why dread them? There is so much negative energy in dread.

I remember my mom telling me about something Joyce Meyer said one time, it went something like…”we spend more energy dreading the action than it would take to complete it.” Ain’t that the truth. I cannot tell you how much time I have wasted dreading things. When the reality remains the same. The fact, for most of us, is that we have to work. Why not find some joy in it? Why not find some joy in the routine? The people? The practice?

Today, I would challenge you to think about how you feel about your return to work (for those of you that were fortunate enough to have an extended break). If you truly are miserable in the return, ask yourself why? What specifically are you dreading? Is it truly time for a change? Are you very unhappy or just inconvenienced? We have become so accustomed to comfort that we struggle with any sort of discomfort. Today, find a reason to be excited by the return. Use this new time as a launch pad for a new habit you want to establish. Allow it to push you into a better place both personally and professionally. Today, I am thankful to have a job to return to, a purpose to push me forward, a steady income and the chance to make a difference. I am thankful for the opportunity to reestablish my morning routine, to get back to eating better and exercising my body and hearing about everyone’s break. May you all find gratitude today. Much love and sweet reminders of goodness my friends.