Right, Not Perfect

My love story isn’t perfect. Far from it actually. If you spent time listening to my story, you’d cringe at least a few times and have more than one question about what I was thinking at the time. But honestly, I was just doing the best I knew to do at the time. I learned a few things along the way, grew a lot and here I am now, getting ready to do life with someone.

Friends, it’s easy to want to be bitter about our stories. When things don’t work out the way we want them to, it’s easy for us to be angry at the other party. To blame them, hate them or at the very least avoid them. Can I offer you a different perspective? That person was important to you at one time or another, honor that. Honor the memory and respect the lessons. There’s really no reason to harbor ill will. These paths we take lead us to the exact place we are meant for. Wish them well and move on with your life.

I believe, when we offer grace to ourselves and others, we grow in ways we cannot even imagine. I am so thankful for the time that I had with the people that I have dated. They prepared me for the love of my life. I know how to love Jarrett because of my experiences and for that, I am thankful.

None of us have perfect love stories, because we are imperfect people. Don’t let people’s posts fool you, their love isn’t perfect either. But it is right. Love isn’t meant to be perfect, don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself or your person. Know that when you meet the right person, they will fight for you, not against you. They will love you in a way you can’t fully understand, and you will feel the same for them. Trust the timing of your life sweet friends, there are great things ahead.