Self Inflicted Suffering

So much of the suffering we endure in our lives is self inflicted. Pain is inevitable, continued suffering is not. We suffer so much longer than we should because we are so tied to the picture in our heads of how it should be. We continually bring to mind the things we wish we had.

Friends, we have to let go of the idea that it could’ve been any different. No amount of bringing back the mental picture will change the reality. I have suffered so long in situations because I stayed in them inside my own mind. I couldn’t let go of what I wanted or what I thought was best for me. I am so sorry that you have been hurt but can I gently encourage you to move forward. Crawl if you have to, but just move forward one tiny step at a time.

Friends, if it is meant for you, you will have it. No amount of suffering can bring back someone or something that wasn’t meant for you. Trust me when I say that something better will come along. When you shift your focus from what is behind, to what is ahead, things change. By all means grieve friends, you need to. It is a healthy, necessary part of life. But please do not stay there. Your beautiful, full life is waiting for you.

We do not endure pain without something good coming from it. But so often we stay in the darkness so much longer than we have to simply because we cannot let go. We think that person was perfect, or that was our dream job, or that was the only home we could ever live in. Train your mind to see no as the biggest blessing life can offer you. We should be running like our hair is on fire away from anything that is not meant for us.

Friends, shift your focus to what is ahead. There is another person, another job and another home. And let me tell you, when you find it you will know. One day you will look up and it won’t hurt anymore. You will feel completely at home where you are, because you are in your right place, with your right person, doing exactly what you should be doing. Good, right things flow. I don’t know how to explain it, they just do. If you have never experienced this, I hope with all of my heart that you do.

There are far better things ahead than any you leave behind. Grieve the loss, but look expectantly to the future. Much love my friends.