Self Limiting Mindset

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you lost sight of everything else? All other options and possibilities faded into the background and you became laser focused on this particular outcome. This approach to life can be blinding and limiting. Stick with me for a minute.

Let’s say I am laser focused on a particular house. I want that house and no other house will do. I become completely focused on that house, attached to an inanimate object, and limited by my own preferences. Friends, can I ask you something? How many houses have you been in throughout your life that you liked? I assume the answer is more than one. In reality, there are many different places that we could live happily.

Sometimes, when we become too married to an outcome, we limit our own possibilities. We only see our lives going one particular direction, and when that doesn’t happen, we don’t know what to do. We have to learn to give our lives the freedom to develop as they will; to be open minded to possibilities. To realize that our lives can go a million different ways and most of them are okay. In fact, they are better than okay.

When we relinquish control over our lives and allow our lives to flow, we are presented with so many more opportunities and outcomes. Perhaps you think you want a certain kind of person as a mate, what if that isn’t what’s best for you? You are not allowing yourself to even explore other people who don’t fit into that mindset you’ve created. You think you are supposed to pursue a certain job, what if you are meant for something else? Friends, our lives will exceed every single expectation we ever have, if we will allow them to. Our mindset limits our outcome. We have a tendency to only pursue what we know. We will only achieve what we think we can achieve. Lift the limits off your life and accept what comes to you. It will blow your mind. Much love and open minds sweet friends.