Ships in Harbor

This quote popped up in my facebook this morning and hit me right between the eyes. I have such a tendency to play safe and wait for the right time. I know there is some wisdom in timing, but I also know that you can keep yourself out of a lot of opportunities leaning on the excuse of timing. This quote challenged me to evaluate whether or not I was truly being cautious because of timing or using it as a crutch.

My pattern is to get fired up about something, start pursuing it and then my analytical side kicks in, and I shut down the progress. I have always been so afraid of making the wrong move that I have kept myself in safety. Sometimes, life requires us to stretch, in fact, it mostly requires us to stretch. I was so happy, safe, contented and thriving in Canyon. I had not become stagnant or complacent, my life was really good. I chose to stretch myself into this opportunity, it was completely outside of my comfort zone.

Sweet friends, don’t allow your caution to keep you in places. Allow yourself to stretch and be stretched. There are so many great opportunities on the other side of your comfort zone. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you don’t try anymore. Failure is a part of life. If you face plant, I’ll come dust you off and encourage you further. Failure isn’t the worst thing, it’s simply a course correction. You will never fully be ready, if we wait until we are ready, nothing will ever get done.

Today, let me allow you to be stretched. Look for opportunities all around you. Even if it is simply saying hello to a stranger rather than staying in your own lane, going to a new exercise class or asking someone to coffee. Stretching yourself doesn’t mean you have to get a new job, move, etc. Be open to opportunities. Much love and new opportunities sweet friends.