Side by Side

I was in a restaurant a couple of nights ago and the song Cowboys and Angels came on. I had not heard it in so long, I downloaded it onto my phone and have listened to it several times since. The line, “we ride side by side, a cloud of dust, a ray of light” has been rolling around in my mind for a few days now. It has brought to mind a harmony that I have been trying to put my finger on for awhile. The question of why some relationships work so well, why some businesses run so well, why some departments have such easy flow.

I used to think good relationships stemmed from similarity. Being alike enough to “get it.” Having enough difference to keep things interesting but enough similarity to keep things steady. Now I think our greatest relationships come from a place of complimenting one another, having strength where another person is weak, flowing together gracefully towards a common goal with traits that compliment one another. Good relationships bring out your good and help cover some of your short comings. Most of us, don’t need to be reminded that we have flaws, we are well aware. We need to be surrounded by people that draw out our strength, not highlight our weakness. In good relationships we flourish, we come alive and there are signs of growth and production everywhere.

In business, and working relationships, this is incredibly valuable. You need people on your team that cover your blind spots, not highlight your weaknesses. We need people who see and know our flaws and have strength where we are weak. Being in a leadership position doesn’t mean I have to know everything, but it does mean I need to be aware of what I don’t know. I need to lean on my team in the areas where they are strongest. I need to know their weaknesses as well, not to punish, but to help with performance. So often, in relationships with coworkers, romantic partners and friendships we look for similarity where we should really look for strength. What is that person really great at and how does it compliment what I’m really good at it?

Too much sameness holds us back. It limits our growth and perspective. We need to do life with people who are operating in their strengths. Who are flowing out of a place of growth. Doing life with people who are engaged, happy and flowing in their area of expertise is a beautiful thing. Much love and complimentary relationships sweet friends.