Simple Pleasures

Sometimes, I find my happy place at 4 AM. When the house is dark and quiet and the world isn’t quite moving yet. Sometimes I find it in an afternoon rainstorm or a little child’s laughter. Sometimes its a cup of coffee that is brewed perfectly.

I know how to find my happy place because there was a time when I lost it. There was a time in my life when I lost sight of the beauty in this world. The simple pleasures that make this life so amazing. I know happiness because I have lost happiness.

Friends, if you are in a difficult place, may I encourage you to remember the things that bring you joy. The small, everyday things, that make your life better. When we drink a cup of coffee with the reverence of it being the best thing we’ve ever had, it becomes more important than it was before. When we see rainstorms as beautiful miracles, instead of inconveniences, we experience more miracles. Our perspective matters. Always.

Take some time today to identify your happy place. Are you there? Is it easily accessible? Are you walking in it? Or are you walking through a season of darkness? Seek out the things that bring balance in your life and remind you of the precious gifts this life brings us. Much love and happy places sweet friends.