Simple Significance

Yesterday was a much needed day of rest for me and Jarrett. I have always really loved working in athletics, but have always struggled to find more balance in it. The hours are long, and we often only get one day off a week, if that. Those are things that aren’t too bad occasionally but when it’s been a season of long weekdays and 14 hour Saturdays, it begins to wear on me. Athletics is most definitely not an 8-5 gig.

I am someone who loves the rhythms of life. I celebrate both the busy seasons and the slow seasons. But if I’m honest, lately I have been craving much more of the slow seasons. One of the reasons I rise so early is that feels like the only part of the day that I am 100% in control of. From 5 am (or this morning 3:30 am) to 7 am, no one needs me. There are no demands on my time. I can allow the time to unfold as I want it to. My cell phone doesn’t ring, emails aren’t coming in and there are no problems that need solving.

Sweet friends, I believe our lives were meant to be far more balanced than they currently are. I believe we are all over involved, stretched too thin and dedicated to far too much outside of ourselves and our own homes. We have neglected the sweet, simple rhythms of life. The ones that bring rest and renewal. The ones that bring restoration. The world is so angry right now, and I believe it’s mostly because we have forgotten how to stop, unplug and rest. We are so concerned with others, that we have neglected ourselves. We don’t need to know what other people are doing at all times.

The sweet simplicity of life is one of it’s greatest gifts. Relish in it. Notice it. Become more aware of it. Coffee in a favorite mug, snuggled up in bed with my sleeping dog and husband, reading and writing things that bring peace to my soul… doesn’t get much sweeter than that. Take some time today to pause and enjoy the un rushed rhythms of life. We haven’t found the balance between busyness and rest, but we are certainly working on it. Much love and sweet, slow Sundays my friends.