Six Months In

I honestly cannot even believe that I have lived and worked in Alpine for 6 months already. It seems astonishing honestly. It seems like so much longer and so much shorter all at the same time. It’s a bizarre feeling to be sure. This place has taught us lessons and grown us in ways we didn’t even know we needed. It’s been life changing and life affirming to be in this place. I can’t say I had no idea what I was getting into, because I had many years in this business, but what I can say is there was a lot I didn’t know and surprisingly a lot I did know.

I doubted my ability to do this job. I doubted my ability to move away from a life I loved and create a new one. It’s been incredibly humbling at times and incredibly trying at other times, but mostly it’s been a lesson in stumbling and finding a path when it seems there isn’t one. This place and this University are very unique in their own ways, and bring with them their own challenges. But what I mostly see is hope. I see a sleeping giant just waiting to come alive. I feel on the verge of something really great.

The athletes I serve are humble, hungry and hard working. They are mostly first generation students with a chip on their shoulder, and I mean this in the best possible way. I relate to them because I was one of them, a first generation student with a chip on my shoulder and something to prove. They come here without the entitlement that you so often see at this level, they come with grit and determination and they leave with it also. They are my greatest daily joy.

As we round the corner of summer and start fall competition I feel refreshed and excited. I cannot wait to see what this fall season brings. The coaches have been preparing for this moment, they have sacrificed so much time with their own families, to help develop other people’s children. They are a wonderful group of people and I can’t wait to watch them shine. Much love and crossing the half year threshold sweet friends. It always seems impossible until you do it.