Slow Your Roll

To say that we live at a fast pace, is an understatement. We are both more and less productive than we have ever been before. We receive and consume information at a rate that none of us can fully comprehend. There is so much of it, we can’t really digest any of it.

I believe that our lives are out of rhythm. We were not intended to live at such a fast pace. It takes intentional slowing to live differently. Just because our lives demand a fast pace, doesn’t mean we have to engage in it. Don’t be afraid to slow it down, to step away, unplug and rest.

Sometimes just a simple pause and reset will redirect our day and slow down our pace. When we focus, intently, on what is right in front of us and give it our full attention, we become more centered. We make more purposeful decisions, we are more present with our people and our souls are more at rest. This pace of life is causing us to feel frazzled and uncared for. Our souls are thirsty, while our eyes are exhausted. We simply can’t take in anymore stimuli. We are more connected than ever before, yet most would say they feel disconnected. We are not spending enough intentional time with the people we love the most.

Friends, may I encourage you to put your phone away? Set boundaries with your phone and your time. Just because your phone makes you accessible, doesn’t mean you have to engage in it. When you are talking to someone face to face, leave the phone out of it. If you can’t leave it alone, put it in another room. If someone calls you when you are in the middle of something, call them back when you can really talk. The phone is for your convenience, not the callers. We have forgotten that phone calls, texts and emails can go unanswered for awhile. We were never intended to be at everyone’s beck and call. It’s hard for us to disappear and disconnect these days, but I think that time is very valuable. Do more things in life that make you forget to check your phone. Much love and slower pace sweet friends.