
This is my view right now. Thanks to some really fabulous friends that I have and their being out of town for a few days, I get to enjoy this view. Not only the view, but the lack of noise. The lake is almost completely uninhabited right now. I know that this will be a very different story in a few hours, but right now, its calm. I can hear the water, a breeze rippling through the trees above me and the sound of crickets in the distance. There are two dogs napping around my feet. 

I need this time. Its not just simply something I desire, I truly need it. I am an introvert by nature, and an extrovert by necessity. What I know about myself now, that I didn’t know a few years ago, is that I thrive in the quiet places that drive most people crazy. I love quiet, in fact, I relish in it. Now, don’t get me wrong, when I listen to music it is at a very loud volume, I am an odd duck my friends, but I know that about myself. I write this now to encourage you to get to know yourself if you do not already. I lived my life in a very unbalanced manner for a very long time simply because I didn’t understand my need for quiet spaces and time to myself. 

Most days, my solitary coffee time outside in the morning fills this need. At other times, I need a little more time. What frustrates me about the world we currently dwell in, is that people make us feel badly for taking care of ourselves. We are seen as selfish for taking time for ourselves. What I know to be true is that if I do not take care of myself, I’m not good for anyone else. I understand that we have to have balance in our lives. We can’t all dash off on vacation each time we feel like we need to get away. But what we can do, is pay attention to the little things in life that help keep us in balance. Time is precious, spend it wisely. 

What do you do to stay in balance?