
We often cannot find the solutions in our lives because we are so afraid of solitude. We keep ourselves busy, distracted and going so as not to hear ourselves. We are often so afraid of what lies beneath the surface that we do whatever we can to avoid it.

Friends, solitude is the place that you will find yourself. You will find your solution. Your voice. Your pain. And your answer. It’s all there, waiting for you to engage with it. Solitude is something we have to fight for and its often the thing we run from the most.

I cannot tell you how many times people have shared with me thoughts they have experienced in the shower. Do you know why you get some of your best ideas, answers, and heartfelt cries in the shower? Because its often the only place we are truly alone.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is climb in the car and go for a drive. Walk out the door and take a walk around the block. Go into a room and close the door. Leave your phone behind. Sit quietly with yourself and the answers will come. So often, we can’t get the answers because there is so much outside stimuli that we cannot hear our own hearts. Friends, you have the answer. Trust yourself to know what you need to know. Invest time in solitude, it will change your life.