Solution Focused

Problems. They are literally everywhere. We need not make any effort to find them. They are all around us, at all times. Sometimes they lurk quietly in the background and sometimes they stare us down, but they are always there. Just waiting to be noticed.

And therein lies the key sweet friends. Our problems grow exponentially based on the attention we pay them. Our focus determines our direction. I’m not advising you to ignore the problems in your life, but rather to view them differently. I find myself in a downward stress spiral from time to time just venting on and on about all the issues around me. When I am in that posture I feel helpless and out of control. I have the option, at any moment, to focus on a solution instead. Yes, this issue is hard, but what can we DO about it. Talking about something on and on and on does not do anything to change it – it simply feeds the problem.

We have such a tendency to talk incessantly about our problems. When we do this we are simply giving them more power than the deserve. Shift to solution based problem solving. What can we do about it? What can be changed? Where can we take control? When we focus on the solution we feel more in control, capable and calm. You have a good track record of surviving hard things – you can and will get through this thing also.

The key for me is one tiny step at a time. What can be done right now? What should I do a week from now? A month from now? Craft a problem solving plan that is realistic in both time and effort. You cannot do it all at once. And you cannot do everything. Take one thing at a time. Look at the whole thing for only long enough to sort out a plan, otherwise it can be overwhelming. Start small and build up. You’ve got this. Much love and solution based thinking sweet friends.