Sometimes its the Picture that’s the Problem

Sometimes, the picture in our head about how its supposed to be is the thing that holds us back. Things don’t happen the way we want them to. When they don’t, we assume they aren’t for us.

The job I have now wasn’t posted. It didn’t exist. I scheduled a meeting and went and asked for a job. Been doing it for 11 years. You aren’t going to get your dream job by applying for it right out of college. You have to work your butt off, establish a reputation, develop some skills and then go out and knock some doors down. Things aren’t going to just fall in your lap. Go out and chase that ambition. Don’t wait for something to come across your desk, pursue what you want with everything you have.

Sometimes your dating history is complicated and that keeps you from pursuing a relationship. Can I tell you a secret? We all have complicated pasts. No one is going to come to you in the perfect package, at the perfect time, in the most ideal way. Often, the one you end up with is the one you least expected. Expand your vision on dating and you just might be surprised what you find.

We all grow at different speeds. Sometimes we make really big mistakes and go the wrong direction. My hope is that all of us learn to course correct when we need to. Be humble enough to say you made a mistake and love yourself enough to go do better. The grace in all of this is in when we turn around.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. I have also made a lot of really great decisions. What truly boggles my mind about us humans is why we focus so much on what we messed up. We define ourselves by the mistakes that we make. We wear them, and the shame they cause us for years. Friends….please let them go. This life is so much bigger than your mistakes. Start today and do better. Forgive yourself and move forward.

Moral of the story? Life isn’t about perfect. Nothing, and I mean, nothing in this life is perfect. Let go of that vision. Let what is meant for you, come to you. Let what’s meant to leave go. Be flexible with your timelines. Recognize a good thing when its standing in front of you, regardless of the package it arrives in.