Start Building

What is it that you are waiting for? What are you waiting to fall into place for you before you can truly love and appreciate your life? What is holding you back from fully embracing what you have in front of you?

Sweet friends, your beautiful, full life is right in front of you. It’s all around you and inside you. It’s yours. For the taking. Every. Single. Day. The life that you have right now is built from the things you have, not the things you don’t have. Waiting for the things does nothing but hold you back. I think sometimes we forget what all we have access to. How amazing our lives truly are. When we take a step back and realize that we have everything we need, its hard to deny the beauty of our lives.

Even during hard times, most of us have more than what we need. In fact, most of us have excess. We have to open our eyes and see it. We have to adjust our minds to see prosperity and not lack. We have to be thankful rather than envious. There are people who would kill to have your bad days. Know that. Do you remember a time when you prayed for what you have now?

Stay focused on what you have and on what is in front of you. Keep moving toward the thing that brings you peace and growth. We have what we need, we just need to tap into it. Much love and full, beautiful lives sweet friends.