Start Today

Today seems as good a day as any to start something new. It’s also a really good day to quit something that’s no longer serving you. Do you ever think about that? Take some time today to stop and consider the things you do out of habit, are they getting you where you want to go? Are you using excuses to stay where you are?

The funny thing about being human is we have such a tendency to hate time. The things we want seem far away and the hard times seem to last just a little too long. We are never satisfied with the amount of time we have; always too much or too little but never just enough. We wish away the hard times and wish to speed towards the good stuff. We want to start and stop time at our own whim. But that’s not how it works.

If we are being honest, mostly we just don’t want to work for it or through it. We want things to just be good. We want relationships, jobs, opportunities, and outcomes to go exactly how we want them. We don’t want to wait, we don’t want to sacrifice and we certainly don’t want to be uncomfortable.

Friends, a year from now, your life can be entirely different than what you are experiencing right now. Every single thing about it could be different. It starts with one choice and then another choice and then another choice. Whatever it is in your life that you are tired of, choose today to start walking towards something else. Baby steps. Out of shape? Start walking half a mile in the morning. After a few weeks, increase it. Want a different job, start sending out applications. Want a better relationship, start communicating needs and showing appreciation. Want more friends, make an effort to invite people to do things. Small things add up sweet friends. Action changes outcomes, stop waiting for the right time, the right feeling, the right moment, start now. One day at a time, one choice at a time, and a year from now you could be looking at a completely different life. You are the builder, start building the life you imagined. Much love and growth sweet friends.