Stepping into the Arena

Have you ever found yourself pondering life and what the heck you are actually doing? Where you are, where you’re going and when you’re going to get there? These are the thoughts that keep us up at night. These are the thoughts that haunt us.

Don’t let a bad day, drive a bad decision. There is far more to your life than one bad day, one bad moment or one bad decision. We are all the sum of our choices, but our choices do not define us. We are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices. My decision to come here required me to overcome my fear of uncertainty and change. It required me to let go of a life I loved and was highly regarded in and essentially start over. It required me to stretch.

This place I find myself in, is truly a challenge. But I chose the challenge, and I will meet it head on. Some days it feels like a dream and other days it feels like a nightmare. That’s the thing about life, it changes. The good days go away and the hard days come and then they leave for more good days. Our life isn’t supposed to be easy, no one ever said it would be. But somehow, it’s what we have come to expect. We are so quick to focus on the bad and forget the good. We feel the good is owed to us and we don’t deserve the bad. Truthfully, life is hard and our focus determines our direction. If we spend too much time in self pity over hard situations, our lives cannot improve. Focus on the good.

Jarrett encouraged me to pursue this job. Sometimes you have to enter the ring, just to see if you can fight. Sometimes you will fail, but at least you took a chance. So much of life is about chances, and choices. Sweet friends, may I encourage you to make the bold choice? It may not always turn out the way you wanted it to, but it will reveal so much to you. You will learn and you will grow. You may fail by the worlds standards, but in my eyes, anyone who takes a bold step is already a winner. Sometimes you have to take it on the chin and move forward. To those of you in ring, I see you, and I applaud you. Keep fighting sweet friends, victory is near. Much love and bold choices sweet friends.