Stop Chasing the Outcome

We all want the win. Whatever the win is to you. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning, it’s what drives us through the day, and it’s what keeps us going when things get tough. It’s also what keeps us so unsatisfied. The big wins in life don’t come often enough to keep us going, and when we become too focused on them, we become more and more unsatisfied with our daily lives.

Say you want to lose weight, and you start a new fitness and eating healthy routine. If you are only satisfied when that 10 lbs is lost, the rest of the process becomes miserable. And, what happens when you lose 10 lbs? Often, we realize that happiness doesn’t lie in the outcome after all and we find ourselves right back where we started. Wins and outcomes don’t automatically equal happiness.

We have to learn to value the process and win the day. Shifting our focus to our quality of life, rather than our outcomes. We are often so disappointed by the achievement of certain goals because they do not bring the happiness we think they will. Be careful not to tie your happiness to outcomes, tie it to your daily life. Do things daily that bring you joy. Find a way to get a win each day. Don’t tie your happiness to a distant goal, tie it to today.

Be motivated by the outcome , but fall in love with the process. Lean into the daily routines that lead you to success. Embrace the discipline and learn to value the process of getting there. Gratification and happiness don’t lie in the big wins, and when we tie them there we will find ourselves disappointed – we get there and think this is it? What now? Be intentional with your daily pursuits and find moments of joy each day. Stop chasing the outcome. Much love and daily wins sweet friends.