Stop Eating Leftovers

Along with what we talked about yesterday, in regards to bringing people your best, you also need to be evaluating what other people are bringing you. Invest in relationships that are growing you, not holding you back. Know when someone is only bringing you leftovers and know that you deserve the very best someone has to offer.

Go to work in places that appreciate you and value the input you have. Surround yourself with friends who pour into you as much as they take. Separate yourself from people and situations that only take, drain and use. Relationships are intended to be reciprocal, and that does not only go for romantic relationships. You are a beautiful human being and you deserve to be treated with honor. Honor yourself enough to walk away from people and situations that take more than they give. You are generous with your time and energy, make sure others are making the effort for you also. It’s a two way street.

Often, our priorities and our standards dictate our choices in relationships. We accept whatever it is that we think we deserve. We choose people based on their availability rather than their character. We set our standards based on what we think we have access to rather than pursuing what we really want. Stop eating leftovers friends, you are worth so much more than that. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel under appreciated or underutilized, may I encourage you to spend some time thinking about what it is that you really want and work your tail off to get it. Life it too full and too great to settle. There are so many great people out there that would love to be your friend, your employer or your partner. Don’t be afraid to eat alone until people have earned a spot at the table.