Stop Saying When

I wrote the following on a piece of paper a few years ago and it sits on my desk as a daily reminder. The life you live and the relationships you have are a privilege. Treat them as such. Your life could change at any moment. Live your life as if today were the last day you will ever get. Love your life and your people as though you may never see them again. Because one day this will be true. This life is not about you, its about how you love others. Stop letting your feelings dictate your behavior. Life is too short for bitterness, indecision and regret. Live a big life. This day is a privilege, treat it as such.

I keep this on my desk as a daily reminder that this life I have is not owed to me, the people in my life could choose to leave at any time, this paycheck that I earn each month could change drastically at any time. We tend to go through life as if we are owed good relationships, great jobs, happy lives, and income. The truth is, we aren’t owed anything. I’m not even going to say that we get what we work for, because sometimes that isn’t even true. Sometimes we work really hard in a marriage, and our spouse changes their mind. Sometimes we sacrifice day in and day out for a job and we get fired one day. Sometimes we eat really well and exercise daily and we still get sick. Life isn’t always fair, in fact it rarely is.

Stop waiting for what is owed to you to come your way, you are wasting your life away. Truth be told, you have to live this life every single day to the absolute fullest. Stop saying you’ll be happy when you find your spouse. Stop saying you’ll be happy when you can buy your own home. Stop saying you’ll be happy when you land a certain job. Your life is unfolding at this very moment and if you aren’t paying attention you are going to miss it. There are things about each stage of life that you will miss when you reach the next stage.

Sweet friends, cherish your life, exactly as it is today. Wanting more and dreaming for more are very different than waiting for more. Be humble and appreciative for where you are now. There was a time you prayed for this exact place. You are in this place for a reason. Rest in it. Honor it. Value it. Much love and gratitude sweet friends.