Stop the Glorification of Busy

I think we are tired because our souls are weary. We are in a constant state of rush, rush, rush! We are frazzled and harried and wonder why we feel tired all the time. Ask just about anyone how they’ve been and their response will be busy! We wear it like a badge of honor, like it’s something to be proud of. Almost a competition of sorts.

Friends, when was the last time you cared for your soul? Truly, cared for your soul. Took some time and did exactly what you needed to do to care for yourself? I’m terrible at it, but I am learning how important it is to stop and rest. I know when I cannot get in touch with how I feel about something, or can’t get a good read on a situation, I need some time to myself.

I would love nothing more than for us to stop the glorification of busy, and start a revolution of prioritizing rest and overall wellness. Most of us know to work out and eat better to take care of our physical bodies, but we don’t know how to care for our souls. Our souls were not made for this frenetic pace that we are running, our souls need quiet, refreshing rest.

Also, be aware that most of us keep up this pace because we don’t want to know what our hearts and souls would reveal if we allowed them the quiet to be heard. We deny our inner most person and stay busy as a trauma response to keep covered what we do not want revealed. Sweet friends, you can sleep all you want, but until your soul is cared for, you will not feel rested. Take some time this weekend to get in touch with yourself again. Don’t know where to start? Go for a walk alone outdoors, no headphones, no noise. Sit quietly with yourself, no background noise. Give yourself a pedicure, take a nice long bath, eat a delicious meal slowly and intentionally. Find what works for you and make it a practice. Rest is just as important as productivity. Lean into it, and watch the things around you change. Much love and slower pace sweet friends.