Success Isn’t Where We Think it is

Success. It’s a tricky, slippery illusion. We think if we work hard enough, sacrifice enough, save enough, strive enough we will one day magically arrive at the destination of success. Honestly, that’s not entirely untrue. You may do all of those things and arrive at the destination of success but then what? What does that even mean? What does it feel like? Are you done now? What happens after you arrive? Do you start over and go chase the next success? I’m tired just thinking about that.

In my opinion, success is not a destination. It is not somewhere we arrive, its something we experience. Daily, if we look for it. Most of us tie our version of success to some kind of external source. Some final destination. We also tend to wrap our happiness into our success. We think if we get this job, make this money, marry this person…we will be successful and that will bring us happiness. Happiness, also, is not tied to a destination.

One of the reasons many people are so discontent in their jobs and relationships has more to do with misplaced expectations than the quality of their lives. If you go through life expecting a situation/circumstance to make you happy, you are always going to be disappointed. Happiness is a choice. Being successful in anything takes daily discipline and motivation. You don’t just show up one day and have it. It’s a daily choice.

Here’s my challenge to you friends. Look around you and celebrate the successes in your life. Those beautiful children you have, your spouse, your home, your inner peace, your wellness…all the things. Truly celebrate them. So much of what you have obtained now you were once only wishing for. Celebrate where you are. Be proud of what you have accomplished and where you have landed. Find a reason today to be happy in your circumstances and challenge your previously held definition of success. Find success outside of your former mindset. You might just blow your own mind.