Tend to Your Own House

I’m still working through my thoughts on comparison, there is much to be said on the topic. In Think Like a Monk Jay Shetty states, “what we judge, envy or suspect in someone else can guide us to the darkness we have within ourselves. Negative projections and suspicions reflect our own insecurities and get in our own way.” This statement has weighed heavily on my mind for the last few days.

Have you ever thought about why you envy certain things in other people? Why you are so judgmental about certain things and don’t care at all about others? Why you have certain suspicions of others? Next time you find yourself in comparison – stop to evaluate why. What is it about that situation that is causing you to feel as if you’ve somehow fallen short?

Sometimes our comparisons lead us to our own insecurities. They drop them in front of us with the weight of an elephant. We can’t see around them and don’t see a way through them, so we turn away from them and project them onto other people. As long as we are judging others, we cannot judge ourselves.

Sweet friends, next time you find yourself in a posture of comparison, I urge you to spend some time in silence exploring why your thoughts are there. Dig deep into the root of why that particular thing bothers you. Look at it and truly see it. Jay Shetty also says, “our significance should not come from thinking other people have it better but from being the person we want to be.” Use that energy to change the way you think about comparison – use your feelings as a guide back to yourself and tend to your own house more than you look at someone else’s. Much love and growth sweet friends.