The Art of Rest

Finding time to rest is something I struggled with for a long time. You see, I’m a hustler, and I thought if I wasn’t hustling I wasn’t being productive. And if I wasn’t being productive than what was my purpose? I thought I had to earn every ounce of every single thing I’ve ever had. I never realized how productive rest can be.

And, to be clear, this wasn’t just a physical, work related hustle. I hustled for attention also. I thought if you didn’t work extremely hard in your relationships and friendships, you weren’t adding value to them. I know now that your relationships should be a place of rest. They should be the place that you find rest, peace and restoration.

Friends, we have to find time to rest, just like we find time for everything else in our lives. It is as important as working out. Your body and your mind need it. We are so much better when we are well rested. Something happens to our inner hustle when we quiet it. Clarity comes from rest. Ever had your best ideas or a moment of clarity in the shower? It’s because, at that moment, you can’t do anything else but clear your mind.

Our mental health requires moments of silence. Often, we are so afraid to be still because we don’t want to face what we are feeling. But the truth is, you need mental clarity. Sometimes we are carrying around emotional baggage that we can release if we just simply gain some clarity on the situation.

Today, find moments of rest throughout the day. Learn to prioritize rest and to rest as hard as you hustle. You will become so much more productive, balanced and happy if you do. Don’t say you don’t have time. Remember, we make time for what is important to us and rest should be important.