The Beautiful in Between

This morning Jarrett slept a few hours longer than I did. I enjoyed my coffee and an extended amount of reading time. I made cinnamon rolls and waited patiently for him to wake up. In the waiting, I was flooded with gratitude. A memory of a time when I longed for a family to cook breakfast for flooded over me and I was so thankful that I had a sweet husband to share my breakfast with. 

We are by no means exactly where we want to be. We have goals and aspirations for our lives that we have not yet reached. We are saving money to buy our first home together while living in a cute little rent house. Our rent house has the sunniest, happiest kitchen and the most beautiful grass. It is lacking many things I want in a home, but for now, it is our home and it holds sweet memories. 

Sweet friends, if we focus on the lack in our lives, that is what we see. I could become frustrated and bitter about so many things. Alpine has the most expensive housing market I’ve ever seen, and before you say they are expensive everywhere just do a quick little search on realtor. Our expectation in moving to a small town was that we would easily be able to afford whatever home we wanted but the reality of it is very different. But I also know that buying a home isn’t going to be the thing to tip us over into blissful happiness. 

What I am learning in this season is that it truly doesn’t matter where you are. You are never going to fully arrive. There will always be something to be satisfied in and dissatisfied in. Truly the beautiful in between is where our lives unfold. We spend more time in this place than any other. The big life moments are tethered together by the beautiful in between. Our lives are made up of a string of moments, fashioned together by our presence and our attitude. If you appreciate where you are, what you have and what you are doing, you will get more of that. If you live your life with an eye on the horizon and a “I’ll be happy when” mentality, that’s what you will get out of your life. Find ways to be content in this beautiful in between, because honestly, that’s where life happens. And I promise, there are things you will miss about this place when it comes time to move to the next. Much love and contentment in the beautiful in between.