The Best of You

Our people, they truly are our greatest gift. They are our reason for all the things we do in life. Every single one. Then why do we tend to treat them as secondary? The people we love the most often get our leftovers. They get whatever is left of us at the end of the day, after we’ve poured all of our energy and talents into everything else we do.

We set our schedules, we follow our routines, we clock in, we clock out and then we just go home and exist. We give the best of us to our jobs that would replace us within a couple of week if we left. Our coworkers, the people we have to deal with at work, and interact with throughout the day often get so much of our mental and emotional energy that we don’t have any left for the best people in our lives.

Friends, we need to start reserving the best of ourselves for the people that matter the most. They should get the first and best of us. They should get the best part of our day, not what we have leftover at the end. We shouldn’t squeeze them in, we should schedule our time around them and what they need.

Time is our most valuable resource. We can’t get any more of it. Take some time this week to evaluate where your time goes. Are you giving the best of your time to yourself and the people you love most? Are you prioritizing what you love? Cultivating your passions and your relationships? These are the difference makers.

Go to work this week, do your job well, love those around you, do what you need to do. But can I encourage you, if you find yourself utterly drained at the end of the day, take some time to evaluate what is going on? If we have nothing leftover for what we love, perhaps we are putting too much energy in the wrong direction. Redirect that energy into resources that will harness it and not just drain it.