The Closing of One Chapter & The Start of Another

In exactly three months, I will turn 37, and today is my wedding day. I woke up this morning with all of the emotions that days this big can bring. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have longed for this day. I went to wedding after wedding after wedding…just waiting and wondering when mine would be. Today, my day has arrived. Somewhere along the way, I learned to truly be happy for, celebrate in, and embrace the season of singleness that my life brought me. Although it was a much longer wait than I would’ve liked it to be, it was exactly what I needed.

Not getting what we want, when we want it, can be our greatest blessing. Today, as this chapter of my life comes to a close, I am so incredibly thankful for the wait, the timing and the gift of Jarrett at the end. Any sooner, and I would’ve missed Jarrett, and he was worth every single moment of waiting. As I stood at our rehearsal dinner last night, surrounded by our friends and family, I realized how truly blessed I am. I have a wonderful, loving family, who poured themselves out making sure everything was how I wanted it yesterday.

For all of you who have dried my tears over the years, thank you. For all of you who have prayed that this day would arrive for me, my heart is bursting over the love I feel. Today, we celebrate the answer to so many prayers. We celebrate the destination that so many plot twists led to. Today, we celebrate love finding a way, through a girls heart who had completely given up on it. Today, we celebrate unity.

Sweet friends your day is coming. I will tell you, from experience, it rarely arrives when we’d like it to. It rarely comes in the manner we want it. It rarely looks the way we think it will. But it will arrive. Out of the blue and when you least expect it. And it will hit you like a ton of bricks. In the waiting, celebrate those around you, with your entire heart. When your day comes, they will pour their heart out celebrating you. Learn to lean into the hard season of life when it feels as though you are forgotten. You are not only not forgotten, but truly, and completely loved by a Father who couldn’t possibly forget you. You are waiting, because what has been prepared for you isn’t quite ready yet. When it’s ready, and you’re ready, it will reveal itself. Ill see you at the altar Jarrett Dane. Much love and sweet celebration my friends.