The Cure for Loneliness

Loneliness is a hot topic right now. With more and more people working from home, in quarantine, etc…we are more isolated than ever. I could take this topic many different directions, and honestly I may over the next few days. But for now I want to focus on the internal aspect of loneliness and how we can control part of our response.

Often , as humans, we believe that the cure for loneliness is another human. Honestly friends, that’s not always the case. I have stood in a room full of people and still felt loneliness. I was the issue. I wasn’t content inside of myself. So many hearts have been broken because we believe we can fill a void in our lives with the presence of another human. Many of us lack the character to be lonely. I’ll say it again. Many of us lack the character to be lonely. We reach for, and settle for, whatever human is available to us and it is destroying our lives and the lives of the people around us.

If you are in a relationship with someone, and you are experiencing loneliness, talk to them about it. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE OF THE RELATIONSHIP FOR COMFORT. The answer is not in another human being. If you want me to be 100% honest with you, the answer is inside of you. You have to learn to be content with yourself, and what is going on inside of you. No one is going to fulfill you. No one is going to come in and fill that void. You have to fill it for yourself. When you learn to fill it for yourself, the right person will cause it to overflow. It’s an amazing feeling when someone adds to something inside of you that is already full. It is the most wonderfully overwhelming feeling you’ve ever experienced. Abundance is a beautiful thing. But I have to tell you, they cannot fill for you, what you cannot fill for yourself. Do what you need to to keep your cup full so that your overflow can fill others. Don’t walk around with your hands out, waiting for others to give to you. Love on other people, nothing will fill your cup fuller than that.