The Dream of Living

Dreams are a funny thing. Not the sleeping kind, but the intentional kind. The ones we work for, stress over, cry over, and celebrate their fruition. I would call myself a dreamer. The head in the clouds kind. The one who thinks big things really can happen to little people. The one who believes in magic.

Yesterday afternoon, I sat on my patio watching my beautiful son play in the backyard. As I watched him I had the strongest sense of gratitude overtake me. I realized I was living a dream. I dreamed of being a mother for as long as I can remember. Though the details of what that meant, I couldn’t have said. But yesterday, as I watched him, I realized that moment and moments like it were what I meant. I want to be a present mother. A kind, patient and loving one. Who takes the time to play, to read, to dance, to sing, to engage in the beautiful life that I have been entrusted with. This thought humbles me in ways I could never imagine. I have been entrusted with the life of this beautiful boy.

It’s rarely glamorous. It’s not pretty. It is always imperfect and that’s what makes it magic. I want to be the type of person who not only believes in magic, but looks for it around every corner. I want to live a life that looks for beauty rather than flaws. That praises more than I criticize. That withholds judgment and offers compassion. I want our home to be free of gossip and full of kind words. I want to be overflowing with joy and I want love to be what leads me.

Will you join me in leaving behind stress, pressure, insecurity, judgment, criticism, and anger? Will you join me in the pursuit of living life? Truly living, looking for the beauty and the magic around every corner. Will you join me in looking for the manifestation of dreams all around us? Realizing that what we have truly is worth celebrating. Today. Right now. Not what lies ahead or what awaits us down the path. Today is magic. Let’s celebrate it. Much love and a wonderful holiday season sweet friends.