The Effect of Indifference

I’ve observed a trend over the past few years. A trend of indifference. People don’t get excited about anything anymore. We are so incredibly indifferent to so many things, and worst of all people. I can’t tell you how badly it makes me feel to go into a place and not even be acknowledged. No hello, no thanks for coming when I leave, nothing. As though my presence in that place makes literally no difference to them.

In college athletics, I’ve seen a downward trend in participation. It has become very difficult to engage the student body in general. In person athletic attendance has been on the downward trend for years. But it’s not just athletics. Ask people what they like to do and they can’t really answer you, or won’t answer you as enthusiastically as they once did. People don’t show up for people anymore. It’s honestly heartbreaking.

We are so quick to take people and opportunities for granted. We think, “I’ll catch the next one.” Be that birthday party, athletic event, family gathering, etc. If this past year has taught us anything it should be that there isn’t always a next time. That sometimes you will go much longer than you want to and not be able to engage with people. It’s truly sad how quickly we have forgotten the lessons this pandemic has taught us.

Sweet, beautiful precious friends, may I encourage you to show up. Show up for your people. Say yes to the event. Go and do things. Get engaged and involved. Lack of involvement doesn’t protect you from getting hurt, not knowing people hurts too. In life, people come and go from our lives, and that is very difficult, but that shouldn’t keep us from immersing ourselves with those around us while they are there. Live your big beautiful life as boldly and as fully as you can while you are here. Much love and fully engaged lives sweet friends.