Easy. It’s what we all want. And for some reason, we believe that’s how it’s supposed to be. But truthfully, no one ever said it was going to be easy. None of it. Marriage. Children. Careers. Life. It’s all hard. We have forever glorified the concept of easy. We even believe if things aren’t easy we are doing something wrong. We think, “why me” and somehow convince ourselves that we are being punished.
I’m here to encourage the opposite. The harder it gets, the closer you are to where you are supposed to be. If you are not on the correct path, what is there to fight? If you are missing your purpose in life you are not a threat. When you step into your destiny, the fight has only just begun. The problem I see with people these days is they’ve all lost their fight. They don’t have that fire in their eyes when challenged, we are so easily defeated. And that’s what the world wants. Defeated, discouraged and exhausted people.
Sweet friends, stop laying down when things get tough. Stare that mountain down and tell it to get the hell out of the way. You have been given this mountain because you are capable of moving it. So move it. When you get tired, rest. But please don’t quit. Don’t let this world steal the fight out of you.
Challenge and opposition are a sign of progress. Don’t let those who are afraid keep you from walking forward. The fight is worth it. The fight for your marriage, your children, your beliefs…it’s all worth it. Apathy is contagious and we have become a society of people who don’t care about anything. Don’t be like the rest of them darling. Stand up, square your shoulders, plant your flags and journey on warriors. Much love and fire sweet friends.