The Gift of Now

This quote stopped me in my tracks this morning. And how very true it is. Jarrett and I have spent the last few days talking about what’s next. What does our future look like. What do we want next and where do we want to be in 10 years. The check for me came this morning when I stumbled upon this quote. We are forgetting now.

We are 3 days away from heading home to see our families and celebrate Christmas. We are 8 days away from leaving for our honeymoon. We are home together this weekend which has become a very rare occasion. Friends, if we aren’t careful, we will miss it. All of it. Our life is unfolding at this very moment and it requires our attention. But most importantly it requires our presence.

Planning and future vision is a positive thing. Don’t get me wrong. But there has to be a balance between next and now. What is next rarely meets our expectations, regardless of how carefully we plan. The other fact of next is that we don’t always get there. It’s not promised. So truly, the only gift we really have is now.

Live today, engage in the moment. Cherish what is. Take the trips, buy the shoes, eat the cake…just enjoy the day. Let things unfold as they will. Keep your eyes and heart engaged in the present and allow yourself to dream. Just don’t get so lost in the dream that you lose the reality. Much love and engaged presence sweet friends.