The Gift of Opposition

Opposition, we’ve all faced it at one point in our lives. I seem to be meeting nothing but opposition lately. I’ve been quiet lately, because I have been in the trenches of difficult decision making. It comes with the territory, but it doesn’t get easier. I have been in a difficult place the last couple of months and I wanted to share some encouragement this place has brought me. For those of you in a similar place, please read these truths.

I am very aware, as a human, that there will always be people in opposition to you. Always. It’s a fact of life. Honestly, I believe if you are not being opposed then you are not truly doing your job. There will always be people opposed to change. We have such a tendency to stay focused on those who oppose us. We are tempted to use our energy to win over the opposers. Friends, resist the urge. For the love of all things. Here’s why.

There are always more people for you than against you. I know it doesn’t always feel that way, but it is true. Your supporters are often silent, while your critics are loud. Trust yourself when making decisions. Do not allow the opposition of others to sway you. If you feel you are doing the best for the majority, stick with it. Program changing decisions are often very hard. You cannot make everyone happy and you never will. Don’t waste energy trying to win over the opposed.

Friends, when we focus on the opposition we are actually moving backwards. Those that are opposed to you are behind you. When you turn your attention to them, you are moving in their direction. You cannot maintain forward progress while focusing on the opposition. Always focus on what is in front of you, that is where the future is. Do not put too much stock in the opinions of those who are not in the arena. And do not be swayed by the opinions of those you wouldn’t take advice from. Stay the course, fight the good fight and forge on. Remember why you started. Let grace and peace guide your decisions and keep your eyes fixed on what is ahead. Much love and grace for the moment sweet friends.