The Gift of Today

“I wish this day would just be over already!” “I wish I knew what we were going to do next year.” I have these thoughts so often. I am very future oriented. I want everything here, now. I want to know the backup plan to the plan and I want to know it three minutes ago.

I truly have to challenge myself to live in the moment. Today, I got all worked up about future planning. I became so frustrated with not knowing that I lost sight of the gift that is today. I was so anxious for tomorrow, that today faded into the background.

Worrying about tomorrow does nothing but rob us of today. Truly. Worry is the biggest robber of all time. When we worry, we lose. We lose the beauty, grace, and blessing of right now. Also, its unproductive. Worrying about tomorrow doesn’t fix it, it doesn’t change it. It only steals today.

Next time you find yourself worked up over future things, can I encourage you to take a step back. Reflect on all the beauty in your life in this current moment. Take a deep breath and take a look around. There are so many things in this moment to be thankful for. This life that you are living is beautifully complicated. It is far from perfect, but may I remind you that it is not promised? That tomorrow that you are worrying about, you may never see. Keep your eyes, mind and heart in today. Stay in this exact moment and stay in gratitude. Today is a gift, treat it as such.