The Land of No Obstacles is a Myth

We humans spend a lot of energy avoiding things. Conflict, obstacles, trials, issues, other people….the list could go on and on. I feel, at times, as if I am simply in survival mode. Endure, I tell myself, just get through this thing. Things will be better after this.

Two things: 1) We are not meant to endure life. Life is a beautiful, precious gift, always. Not because things are good and easy, but because we are alive. Don’t put a condition on your happiness. Be thankful for your life right now, exactly where it is. Thankfulness brings perspective to our lives that completely changes our outlook. Don’t spend your life thinking “I’ll be happy when…”. Life will never be perfect and if you wait for it to be you will waste a lot of precious years in a holding pattern. 2) Life is hard sometimes. It just is. I don’t know why, but it is. Thinking that you just have to get through this thing and things will get better is a myth. There will always be some source of struggle in your life, embrace and anticipate that rather than endure and avoid.

I have noticed a pattern in my daily life. When I wake up in the morning and think about my day, I tend to frame it based on difficulty. I think, will there be issues today? If the answer is no, I go to work with a spring in my step and anticipate a good day. Then, without fail, something unexpected comes along and I completely overreact to it. On the flip side, if I go to work, anticipating that there will be issues, I handle them easily and without all the drama. Our mindset matters friends, it makes a lot of difference in how we approach our day.

Today, anticipate that things may not go smoothly. Know that there very well could be some unexpected obstacles that pop up. If they don’t, be thankful for that, if they do, know that you are equipped to handle them. Life is not going to be obstacle free, the more we prepare ourselves to handle them, the less impacted we will be by them. The land of no obstacles is a myth sweet friends. Much love and properly framed mindsets.