The Lens of Limitation

What exactly is the lens of limitation? It’s a way of looking at your life through the lens of what it lacks…what isn’t….what’s missing. The lens of limitation looks at our shortcomings, our perceived failure, our lack. It does not consider our progress, our ability or our potential.

We look at our lives and think I am not skinny enough, I do not have enough money, I am not smart enough, qualified enough, etc. We do not evaluate what could be or what actually is…only what isn’t.

Friends, you will never feel smart enough or qualified enough if you are pursuing big dreams. You will never feel prepared to make a big commitment to an amazing person if commitment is a stretch for you. Whatever stretches you is not meant to make you comfortable. We are not meant to live comfortably. If it doesn’t stretch you, it isn’t going to change you. Period.

Please, stop waiting for ready. It may never come. Stop waiting for qualified. You may never feel qualified. You may never feel smart enough, pretty enough, valuable enough. Stop letting how something feels stop you from pursuing your dreams.

See your life through the lens of possibility, just because you haven’t done it before doesn’t mean you can’t. Start asking yourself why not me!? You are more than qualified to live the life you are called to. Your dreams and ambitions are not a mistake, they are placed on your heart for a reason. Pursue them. Be humble enough to be a beginner. We are all a work in progress. The most esteemed expert was once a beginner. Start where you are and see what is possible. Much love and big dreams sweet friends.

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